Direct from Microsoft Info:

This two hour clinic covers the following topics:

  • Planning a Virtualization Strategy for SQL Server.
  • Designing a Virtualization Platform Infrastructure for SQL Server.
  • Designing a High-Availability Strategy for SQL Server Virtualization.
  • Designing a Virtualization Infrastructure Management Strategy.

Users of this clinic should have a basic knowledge of SQL Server administration.

Go ahead and view this from:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire project team for their efforts to make this project a success.


  • Bill Chesnut
  • Greg Low
  • Mai Low

MSL Project Team

  • Dipti Raheja – Product Planner
  • Anindya Das Pattanayak
  • Sunilraj Uchil – Build Team
  • Charlotte Twiss
  • Chris Kirsten – Corporate Compliance
  • Gary Thunell (LCA)
  • Eric Fernandes – Project Manager

Kevin Yam, for sponsoring this clinic and facilitating the BG reviews – Thank you!


  • Jeelani Mulla – Integration Lead
  • Rachana Vora – Associate Project Manager
  • Peter D’Souza – Sr. Project Manager


  • Conni, Jaianandan & the entire ElementK team


  • Megan Kilner & other Folks at STOCAT

Testing Team

  • Namrata Chavan
  • Abhinav Shukla



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